HVRHS Info & Video
SCS Land Scknowledgement
The community of Salisbury Central School acknowledges that we are gathered on the land of the Mohican and Schaghticoke people. We respect and honor the native people who have cared for this land since before written history and will continue being stewards of this land. As we learn and work here, we strive to grow our knowledge and understanding of the Mohican and Schaghticoke people.
Report Absences Here (New 24-25)
Reporting Student Absences
Click here for absence form
Please review the absence and tardy guidelines. NOTE: This year we are moving to electronic absence reporting. Please use the linked form to report absences for your child(ren). The form should be submitted instead of phoning or emailing the main office/nurse. Of course, Nurse Nan is available to answer questions or to discuss medical concerns related absences at any time.
Salisbury Central School Showcase Video
Our Mission
The Salisbury Central School learning community works together to empower all students to be inquisitive, independent, and responsible citizens of the global society. We guide and foster each child’s intellectual, emotional, social and physical development in a safe, challenging, supportive, and collaborative learning environment. We are committed to ensuring that all students leave us prepared for successful learning beyond our school.
We Believe:
All students can learn
All students will have equitable access to an effective instructional program
All staff are committed to continuous professional growth and improvement
All members of the community are partners in the learning process
All members of the community respect one another
HYSB Family Services Video
Salisbury Central School District shall promote nondiscrimination and an environment free of harassment based on an individual's race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, national origin, ancestry, disability, (including, but not limited to, intellectual disability, past or present history of mental disorder, physical disability or learning disability), genetic information, marital status or age or because of the race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, disability, genetic information, marital status or age of any other persons with whom the individual associates or status as a Veteran. Contact: Martha Schwaikert, Director of Pupil Services.
Parents Bill of Rights for English and MultiLingual Learners
“Pursuant to P.A.23-150 Section 17 the State Board of Education shall draft a written bill of rights for parents or guardians of students who are multilingual learners to guarantee that the rights of such parents and students are adequately safeguarded and protected in the provision of bilingual education under chapter 164 of the general statutes, and the sharing of this bill of rights in the dominant language of the parents or guardians.
The list of rights will be given to parents or guardians in the language they understand the best.
For the school year commencing July 1, 2024, and each school year thereafter, each local and regional board of education providing a program of bilingual education or English as a new language shall:
Provide the parents and guardians of eligible students with a copy of the multilingual learner bill of rights in the dominant language of such parents and guardians, and
Schools will need to make the multilingual learner bill of rights available on the Internet web site. “
Translations of the Bill of Rights as available on the CT State site with resources.
Students' Rights - Homelessness
Student Registration
Rotation Day Monthly Calendar
Covid Protocol Update March 2024
Dear Region 1 Staff, Parents and Caregivers,
On Friday, March 15th, the CT Department of Public Health (DPH) issued a memo updating respiratory virus guidance per a March 1 communication by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). The DPH memo recommends changing school guidelines with respect to return to school for those who have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. This updated guidance continues to protect those at most risk, and evidence indicates that it will not significantly increase severe disease related to COVID-19 or other respiratory viruses. Please click on this link to read the communication sent from the CT DPH.
In accordance with these guidelines and starting immediately, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 should isolate from others based on their symptoms and can return to school under these circumstances:
the individual is fever-free (100.4 or less) for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications (e.g. ibuprofen, acetaminophen) AND
symptoms are improving and full participation in the school/work day is possible.
To be clear, there is no requirement to isolate for five days unless fever and symptoms persist for that length of time or longer. Students and staff can return to school as long as the aforementioned criteria are satisfied. For example, if COVID-19 symptoms and fever only last for two days, the individual may return to school as long as symptoms are improving and they are fever free.
Upon return to normal activities, individuals should take added precautions over the next 5 days, such as taking additional steps for hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing when they will be around other people indoors. If the individual develops a fever or starts to feel worse after they have gone back to school, they should isolate again until the conditions to return to normal activities are met. This link to the CDC website provides additional helpful guidance with respect to isolation and recommended post-illness protections to prevent the virus from spreading to others. While we cannot mandate wearing masks or testing, we hope that everyone will follow these recommendations to keep students and staff safe and in school.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information and for following the updated recommendations. As always, building administrators and school nurses are available to address any questions you may have about the information included in this letter and/or the resources included from the CT DPH and CDC.
Best wishes for a wonderful spring and for a great finish to the school year!
Lisa B. Carter, Superintendent, Region 1 Schools
Salisbury Stars
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12:10 Dismissal - Staff PL
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12:10 Dismissal - Staff PL
Salisbury Central School